'24' days of GG

Days 4+5.

I love watching Vlogmas from youtubers such as Kelsey Simone or Maddi Bragg as im sure a lot of you guys do too. However, I realised that I have no way of recording my memories to look back on in the future...and I cant keep a diary! (Trust me, I've tried many times...) So I thought that I would try and do the '24', (very loosely said as I know im on day 4 already...), days of GG and that way I can look back on my month of December every year. Basically a written Vlogmas! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Day 4.
Days out with my mum are times i cherish, ever since I left school they've become more common! I love doing everyday things together, such as going out for lunch or just running errands with her. As i'm going to University in September I want to spend as much time with my family as I can.
     Today, as I had study leave, we went to go out for lunch and had a few hours of shopping with my Auntie. Just strolling around shops is definitely my favourite pass time and so I couldn't turn down a trip into town before picking up my sister. I didn't intend on buying anything considering christmas is so soon and I know ill go mad in the sales, but I found the most amazing coat from a brand called SHACI. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it. That is my new rule btw; If I don't instantly love an item I won't buy it, lets hope it saves me money!
    Now i'm older I enjoy sitting with my family much more and Costa Coffee is the best lunch spot. Add the two together and you get the perfect lunch. As we had some time to spare before picking up my sister we decided to pick up some small essentials from Tesco and have lunch in the Costa Coffee. Their Iced Caramel Lattes will forever be my favourite. I found a really nice mustard coloured scarf in the clothing section of Tesco, however taking in my new rule and the fact the Christmas sales will be starting in less than 3 weeks, I decided against buying it.
    Once we were home I watched youtube for a couple of hours whilst finishing up some college work that just had some small pieces to be added, and then watched a couple of  youtubers Vlogmas. I was going out for Dinner with my friend this night so I changed into a nicer outfit with my new coat. We wen't for Nandos which I had not had in ages and fyi, the caramel brownie is AMAZING.

Day 5.
I had a full day of college on Tuesday, so this wasn't the most exciting day. We did however have to create a small video for one of our assignments. This meant a whole day of filming what we got up to in lessons and showing potential students what its like to be a student there. It was very funny to film and the final product is great! We went to McDonalds twice that day 'just to make sure we got enough footage' and got to spend most of the day wandering around the college to get different angles. Although it wasn't the most exciting day for anyone who is reading this, it was a very fun day for me.
   That being said, I went home that night and helped my mum set up her new phone. This was harder than expected as she wanted to transfer the information form her old phone into her new one...and of course it didn't work the first time. Later that night my sister somehow managed to pull down the curtains in my bedroom and so my dad and I spent about an hour trying to get those back up, its safe to say I am not a natural in DYI. After this I had a shower, made myself a hot chocolate and got into bed to watch some youtube videos.

I hope you don't mind these diary like posts, I just wanted a way to keep my memories alive!

Grace x


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