
Image result for happy new year minimal

My second post of 2018 is overdue. Usually people post about their New Year resolution on the first of January and then ultimately by the end of the month they've broken it! This has been the case for myself for as long as I can remember, and so this year I actually took the time to think of resolutions I can keep! I have come up with 6 resolutions for myself that I am going to try to have kept or completed by the end of 2018...and here they are:

1. Save £100 a month.
    I am heading to University this September and I would like to start with a bit of money to fall back on incase I can't find a job for a few months! By saving the money it gives me piece of mind that I can have fun without feeling too guilty! Hopefully I can keep this up even into 2019...
2. Drink more water.
    I am terrible at drinking water, actually just drinking in general.  I always get headaches if I dont drink a lot the previous day and I still don't do anything about it! This year i've decided to consciously drink water as much as I can to not only help myself internally but avoid the headaches! Drinking water also does wonders for your skin so I cant go far wrong with this resolution!
3. Read a book a month.
    I know, I know this is everybody's resolution. However, when I was younger all I would do is read! One Christmas I could fill my whole stocking with books; now I mainly read on Holiday as it's surprisingly always easier to read on a sun-bed than in your bedroom...! I believe reading books is invaluable and I am determined to read more this year.
4. Cook a meal once a month.
    This wont seem like a huge challenge to many people reading this, however I've never really cooked and my cooking talents only stretch to a Bolognese or Stir-fry. As i've mentioned hundreds of times, university is coming up and I wont have my mum to cook my meals for me anymore! So i'm desperate to have a few more recipes up my sleeve so I don't end up eating frozen spaghetti 7 days a week!
5. Learn a new Skill.
    I'm not exactly sure what i'm hoping to gain from this one. I suppose i've always love the  calligraphy or makeup accounts on instagram and would love to learn how to do it. Basically, even if its learning how to service my car by myself,  I would like to learn how to do something new by the end of 2018!
6. Have more blog posts!
    I know I always promise blog posts and i'm always inconsistent. This is at the forefront of my mind lately and i've decided that this is the year that I get truly into blogging. I'm in my final months of college so will have more spare time to find inspiration and can find new topics to blog about. I might even be able to have a completely new theme! Get excited for 2018.

I know these aren't exactly mind-blowing, but they're resolutions I can see myself keeping and I can look back on in December and know I tried my best.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Please comment below any of your New Year resolutions!

Grace x


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